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Servizi per la ricerca e diffusione della conoscenza scientifica

OJS documentation


PKP – Public Knowledge Project

The website devoted to OJS by its project developer


Introduzione a OJS  [in italian]

The online guide to OJS


OJS in un’ora [in italian]

The Italian translation of the quick guide, comprising a numer of explanations and screenshot, realized by the AePIC team

Progetto AePIC Cilea - OJS [in italian]

The website of AePIC project by CILEA devoted to OJS

A small reference list on OJS [in italian]

Marchitelli, Andrea - Mornati, Susanna (2009). Stare su Google ma non solo: OJS per l'editoria scientifica e accademica periodica. Bollettino del CILEA, 114.

Iacono, Chiara - Martinoli, Adriano - Preatoni, Damiano G. (2007).
Hystrix, un'applicazione di OJS  (Open Journal Systems). Bollettino del CILEA, 109

Marchitelli, Andrea (2007).
Pubblicare in open access: Open Journal Systems e Open Conference Systems. [PPT Presentation]

A small reference list on OJS [in English]

Devakos, Rea - Turko, Karen (2007). Synergies: Building National Infrastructure for Canadian Scholarly Publishing

Case, Mary M. – John, Nancy R. (2007). Publishing Journals@UIC

Graham, Bobby(2007). Open Publish: Open access to scholarly research

Willinsky, John (2007). An Introduction to Use of Roles in Open Journal Systems

Willinsky, John – Mendis, Ranjini (2007). Open Access on a zero budget: a case study of Postcolonial Text

Stranack, Kevin (2006). Getting Found, Staying Found, Increasing Impact: enhancing Readership and Preserving Content for OJS Journals

[Source for the reference list:  -]