Coronavirus and library services
Regulatory context and current precautionary measures
For the methods of access and permanence within the Structures of the University of Palermo, refer to the Note prot. 126776 of 08.11.2022.
The application procedures in the University in the event of Covid-positive subjects or close contacts of Covid-positive subjects are contained in the nella nota prot. 132582 dell'11.09.2023 - Aggiornamento delle misure di prevenzione della trasmissione di SARS-CoV-2 nell’Ateneo di Palermo - Circolare del Ministero della Salute n.25613 del 11/08/2023. (Updates about the methods for managing SARS-Cov-2 positive cases and close contacts at the University).
You should also consult the Disposizioni e aggiornamenti per la comunità universitaria (Provisions and updates for the university community page).
Library days and hours of service for each location are available on each library's web pages.
[last updated: September 12, 2023]