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 [ Organizing Committee ]  [ Program ]  [ Registration ]  [ Info & Contacts ]  [ First circular ]  [ Second circular ]  About Palermo ]

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, and in agreement with the Executive Committee of the IRGC (International Research Group on Charophytes), I am very pleased to invite you to the 22nd Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC) to be held on September 17-20, 2018 in Palermo, Italy.

The 22nd GEC meeting will be organised by the Department STEBICEF (Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies) of the University of Palermo, in collaboration with the CIRITA (Interdepartmental Research Centre on Technology-Environment Interaction) of the same University and FORUM PLINIANUM onlus. The lectures and poster presentations will be held at the Botanical Garden.

Important Dates: 10 April 2018 (deadline for pre-registration: it will help us to estimate the cost of the field trips); 30 June 2018 (deadline for final registration AND abstract submission).

Fees and other information in the attached circulars.

Looking forward to seeing you in Palermo!

Best regards
Angelo Troia

 [ Organizing Committee ]  [ Program ]  [ Registration ]  [ Info & Contacts ]  [ First circular ]  [ Second circular ]  About Palermo ]

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