AUSTRIA | ||||
Graz | KARL-FRANZENS-UNIVERSITAET GRAZ | A GRAZ01 | Tel: 43(0)3163801249 Email: international@uni-graz.at http://www.uni-graz.at/ |
Salzburg | UNIVERSITAET SALZBURG | A SALZBUR01 | Tel: 43(0)66280442040 Email: international@sbg.ac.at http://www.uni-salzburg.at/international |
Wien | UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN | A WIEN03 | Tel: 43(1)47654-2621 Email: ulrike.piringer@boku.ac.at http://www.boku.ac.at/ |
Wien | WIRTSCHAFTSUNIVERSITAET WIEN | A WIEN05 | Tel: 43(1)313 36-0 Email: erasmus@wu.ac.at http://www.wu.ac.at/ |
BELGIUM | ||||
Bruxelles | FACULTES UNIVERSITAIRES SAINT-LOUIS | B BRUXEL02 | Tel: 32(0)22117913 Email: erasmus@fusl.ac.be http://www4.fusl.ac.be/ |
Leuven | KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN | B LEUVEN01 | Tel: 32(0)16 323767 Email: elke.timmermans@int.kuleuven.be http://www.kuleuven.be/international/ |
Liege | UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE | B LIEGE01 | Tel: 32(0)43669255 Email: International@ulg.ac.be http://www.ulg.ac.be/ |
BULGARY | ||||
Blagoevgrad | UGOZAPADEN UNIVERSITET "NEOPHIT RILSKI" - BLAGOEVGRAD, BULGARIA | BG BLAGOEV02 | Tel: 359 73 88 55 05 Email: erasmus@swu.bg http://www.swu.bg/ |
Sofia | SOFIISKI UNIVERSITET "SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI" | BG SOFIA06 | Tel: (35(0)929861597 Email: intern@admin.uni-sofia.bg http://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/ |
Bern | UNIVERSITÄT BERN | CH BERN01 | Tel: 41 (0)31 631 34 71 Email: martina.thuerig@int.unibe.ch http://int.unibe.ch |
Olten | FACHHOCHSCHULE NORDWESTSCHWEIZ | CH BRUGG02 - Business | Tel: 41(0)848821011 Email: info.wirtschaft@fhnw.ch http://www.fhnw.ch/ |
Basel | FACHHOCHSCHULE NORDWESTSCHWEIZ | CH BRUGG02 - Life Science | Tel: 41(0)614674242 Email: international.lifesciences@fhnw.ch http://www.fhnw.ch/ |
Geneve | UNIVERSITÉ DE GENÈVE | CH GENEVE01 | Tel: 41(0)223798082 Email: international@unige.ch http://www.unige.ch/international/index.html |
Neuchatel | UNIVERSITÉ DE NEUCHÂTEL | CH NEUCHAT01 | Tel: 41(0)327181085 Email: marie-france.farine@unine.ch http://www2.unine.ch/ |
Zürich | UNIVERSITÄT ZÜRICH | CH ZURICH01 | Tel: 41(0)446344157 Email: erasmus@int.uzh.ch http://www.int.uzh.ch |
CYPRUS | ||||
Nicosia | INTERCOLLEGE - CYPRUS | CY NICOSIA14 | Tel: 357 22 453125 Email: is.support@unic.ac.cy http://www.intercollege.ac.cy/ |
Brno | VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V BRNE | CZ BRNO01 | Tel: 42(0)541145243 Email: fojtova@ro.vutbr.cz http://www.vutbr.cz/en/ |
Brno | MENDELOVA ZEMEDELSKÁ A LESNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V BRNE | CZ BRNO02 | Tel: 42(0)545135150 Email: zacharia@mendelu.cz http://www.mendelu.cz/ |
Brno | MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA | CZ BRNO05 | Tel: 42(0)549493264 Email: dibelkova@czs.muni.cz http://www.muni.cz/ |
Hradec Karlove | UNIVERZITA HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ | CZ HRADEC01 | Tel: 42(0)493331212 Email: martina.eliasova@uhk.cz http://www.uhk.cz/en-us/Pages/default.aspx |
Olomouc | UNIVERZITA PALACKEHO V OLOMOUCI | CZ OLOMOUC01 | Tel: 420-58-563 1041 Email: ilo@upol.cz http://www.upol.cz/ |
Pardubice | UNIVERZITA PARDUBICE | CZ PARDUB01 | Tel: 420 466 036 111 Email: mobility@upce.cz http://www.upce.cz/en/index.html |
Praha | VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA CHEMICKO-TECHNOLOGICKÁ V PRAZE | CZ PRAHA01 | Tel: 42(0)224353896 Email: ozs@vscht.cz http://www.vscht.cz |
Praha | UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE | CZ PRAHA07 | Tel: 42(0)224491302 Email: zahran@ruk.cuni.cz http://www.cuni.cz/UKENG-1.html |
GERMANY | ||||
Aachen | RHEINISCH-WESTFAELISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN | D AACHEN01 | Tel: 49(0)2418090660 Email: international@rwth-aachen.de http://www.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/bdz/ |
Augsburg | UNIVERSITAET AUGSBURG | D AUGSBUR01 | Tel: 49(0)8215985870 Email: silvia.reissner-jenne@aaa.uni-augsburg.de http://www.uni-augsburg.de/en/ |
Berlin | FREIE UNIVERSITAET BERLIN | D BERLIN01 | Tel: 49(0)3083853408 Email: andrea.vonkopp@fu-berlin.de http://www.fu-berlin.de/ |
Berlin | HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITAET ZU BERLIN | D BERLIN13 | Tel: 49(0)3020932871 Email: zulassung-auslaender@uv.hu-berlin.de http://www.hu-berlin.de/standardseite-en/?set_language=en |
Bremen | UNIVERSITAET BREMEN | D BREMEN01 | Tel: 49-421-4043 Email: erasm12@uni-bremen.de http://www.uni-bremen.de/ |
Düsseldorf | HEINRICH-HEINE-UNIVERSITAET DUESSELDORF | D DUSSELD01 | Tel: 49(0)02118112238 Email: aaa@verwaltung.uni-duesseldorf.de http://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/ |
Erlangen | FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITAET ERLANGEN-NUERNBERG | D ERLANGE01 | Tel: 49(0)91318524801 Email: brigitte.perlick@zuv.uni-erlangen.de http://www.uni-erlangen.org/ |
Flensburg | UNIVERSITAET FLENSBURG | D FLENSBU01 | Tel: 49(0)4618052774 Email: int-office@uni-flensburg.de http://www.uni-flensburg.de |
Freiburg | ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITÄT FREIBURG IM BREISGAU | D FREIBUR01 | Tel: 49(0)7612034269 Email: eckelt@verwaltung.uni-freiburg.de http://www.uni-freiburg.de/ |
Freiburg | PÄDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE FREIBURG IM BREISGAU | D FREIBUR02 | Tel: 49(0)761682341 Email: fuhr@ph-freiburg.de http://www.ph-freiburg.de/ |
Göttingen | GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITAET GOETTINGEN | D GOTTING01 | Tel: 49(0)5513912482 Email: Roswitha.Brinkmann@zvw.uni-goettingen.de http://www.uni-goettingen.de/ |
Halle | MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITAET HALLE-WITTENBERG | D HALLE01 | Tel: 49(0)3455521313 Email: auslandsamt@uni-halle.de http://aaa.verwaltung.uni-halle.de/ |
Hamburg | UNIVERSITAET HAMBURG | D HAMBURG01 | Tel: 49(0)40428387932 Email: Hochschulkoordinatorin.erasmus@verw.uni-hamburg.de http://www.uni-hamburg.de/ |
Heidelberg | RUPRECHT-KARLS-UNIVERSITAET HEIDELBERG | D HEIDELB01 | Tel: 49(0)6221542833 Email: bruce.gaston@as.uni-heidelberg.de http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/ |
Kaiserslautern | TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT KAISERSLAUTERN | D KAISERS01 | Tel: 49(0)631 205 5252 Email: internationales@uni-kl.de http://www.uni-kl.de/ |
Kiel | CHRISTIAN-ALBRECHTS-UNIVERSITÄT ZU KIEL | D KIEL01 | Tel: 49(0)431-880-3715 Email: erasmus-assistant@uv.uni-kiel.de http://www.uni-kiel.de/ |
Mainz | UNIVERSITAET KOBLENZ-LANDAU | D KOBLENZ02 | Tel: 49(0)813137460-26 Email: latscher@uni-koblenz-landau.de http://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de |
Leipzig | UNIVERSITAET LEIPZIG | D LEIPZIG01 | Tel: 49(0)3419732020 Email: aaa@uni-leipzig.de http://www.uni-leipzig.de/welt/it/index.html |
Mainz | JOHANNES GUTENBERG-UNIVERSITAET MAINZ | D MAINZ01 | Tel: 49(0)61313922281 Email: international@international.uni-mainz.de http://www.uni-mainz.de/ |
Mannheim | UNIVERSITAET MANNHEIM | D MANNHEI01 | Tel: 49(0)6211811160 Email: bach@verwaltung.uni-mannheim.de http://www.uni-mannheim.de/ |
Munchen | LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAET MUECHEN | D MUNCHEN01 | Tel: 49(0)8921802823 Email: international@lmu.de http://www.uni-muenchen.de/ |
Munchen | TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN | D MUNCHEN02 | Tel: 49(0)8928922582 Email: lechevallier@zv.tum.de http://portal.mytum.de/welcome/ |
Munster | WESTFAELISCHE WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET MUENSTER | D MUNSTER01 | Tel: 49(0)2518323346 Email: admin.ess@uni-muenster.de http://www.uni-muenster.de/ |
Osnabrück | UNIVERSITAET OSNABRUECK | D OSNABRU01 | Tel: 49(0)549694625 Email: studios@uni-osnabrueck.de http://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/ |
Sankt Augustin | FACHHOCHSCHULE BONN-RHEIN-SIEG | D ST-AUGU02 | Tel: 49(0)2241865628 Email: vera.schneider@fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de http://www.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de/ |
Stuttgart | UNIVERSITAET STUTTGART | D STUTTGA01 | Tel: 49(0)71168568566 Email: welcoming.service@ia.uni-stuttgart.de http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/ia |
Stuttgart | HOCHSCHULE FUER TECHNIK STUTTGART | D STUTTGA05 | Tel: 49(0)7111212868 Email: michael.geiger@hft-stuttgart.de http://www.hft-stuttgart.de/ |
Tubingen | EBERHARD KARLS UNIVERSITAET TUEBINGEN | D TUBINGE01 | Tel: 49(0)70712977732 Email: intrel@uni-tuebingen.de http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/ |
Ulm | UNIVERSITAET ULM | D ULM01 | Tel: 49(0)7315022016 Email: auslandsamt@uni-ulm.de http://www.uni-ulm.de/indexen.html |
Wurzburg | JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAET WUERZBURG | D WURZBUR01 | Tel: 49(0)9313182805 Email: international@uni-wuerzburg.de http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/ |
DENMARK | ||||
Aalborg East | AALBORG UNIVERSITET | DK ALBORG01 | Tel: 45(0)99409940 Email: international@adm.aau.dk http://studyguide.aau.dk/ |
SPAIN | ||||
Alcalá de Henares | UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA | E ALCAL-H01 | Tel: 34(0)918855331 Email: luisa.juarez@uah.es http://www.uah.es/ |
Alicante | UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE | E ALICANT01 | Tel: 34(0)965909558 Email: s.mobilitat@UA.es http://www.ua.es/ |
Barcelona | UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA | E BARCELO01 | Tel: 34(0)934035380 Email: relacions.internacionals@ub.edu http://www.ub.edu/homeub/en/ |
Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) | UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA | E BARCELO02 | Tel: 34(0)935812753 Email: internacionals@uab.cat http://www.uab.es |
Barcelona | UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUÑA | E BARCELO03 | Tel: 34(0)934016937 Email: socrates.etsab@upc.edu http://www.upc.edu/ |
Barcelona | UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA | E BARCELO15 | Tel: 34(0)935422972 Email: uri@upf.edu http://www.upf.edu/ |
Burgos | UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS | E BURGOS01 | Tel: 34 947 25 88 40 Email: relin3@ubu.es http://www.ubu.es |
Cádiz | UNIVERSIDAD DE CÁDIZ | E CADIZ01 | Tel: 34(0)956015883 Email: internacional@uca.es http://www.uca.es/ |
Castelló de la Plana | UNIVERSITAT JAUME I | E CASTELL01 | Tel: 34(0)964387070 Email: intercanviat@uji.es http://www.uji.es/ |
Toledo | UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA | E CIUDA-R01 | Tel: 34 925-265-744 Email: ori.to@uclm.es http://www.uclm.es/ |
Còrdoba | UNIVERSIDAD DE CORDOBA | E CORDOBA01 | Tel: 34(0)957212153 Email: ori@uco.es http://www.uco.es/internacionalcoopera/ori/english/socrateserasmus.html |
Elche | UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNANDEZ DE ELCHE | E ELCHE01 | Tel: 34(0)966658710 Email: movilidad@umh.es http://www.umh.es/ori |
Girona | UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA | E GIRONA02 | Tel: 34(0)972418028 Email: raquel.sola@udg.edu http://www2.udg.edu/ |
Granada | UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA | E GRANADA01 | Tel: 34(0)958242013 Email: vicrrii@ugr.es http://internacional.ugr.es/ |
Jaen | UNIVERSIDAD DE JAEN | E JAEN01 | Tel: 34(0)953212194 Email: secrel@ujaen.es http://www.ujaen.es/ |
A Coruña | UNIVERSIDAD DE A CORUNA | E LA-CORU01 | Tel: 34(0)981167000 Email: rrii@udc.es http://www.udc.es/rrii |
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA | E LAS-PAL01 | Tel: 34 928 458 028 Email: vrii@ulpgc.es http://www.ulpgc.es/index.php?ampliar_pantalla=0 |
Leon | UNIVERSIDAD DE LEÓN | E LEON01 | Tel: 34(0)987291626 Email: internacional@unileon.es http://www.unileon.es |
Lleida | UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA | E LLEIDA01 | Tel: 34(0)973003530 Email: ori@int.udl.es http://www.udl.es/ |
Madrid | UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA (UNED) | E MADRID01 | Tel: 34 902 388 888 Email: infouned@adm.uned.es http://www.uned.es |
Madrid | UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID | E MADRID03 | Tel: 34(0)913947196 Email: rrinter@pas.ucm.es / relint@pas.ucm.es http://www.ucm.es/info/ucmp/index.php |
Madrid | UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID | E MADRID04 | Tel: 34(0)914975133 Email: erasmus.uam@uam.es http://www.uam.es/ |
Madrid | UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID (UPM) | E MADRID05 | Tel: 34(0)913366267 Email: director.prog.eu@upm.es http://www.upm.es/ |
Madrid | UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID | E MADRID14 | Tel: 34-91-6249500 Email: incoming@uc3m.es http://www.uc3m.es |
Madrid | UNIVERSIDAD CEU SAN PABLO | E MADRID21 | Tel: 34(0)914566318 Email: uspceu.internacional@ceu.es http://www.uspceu.com/ |
Villafranca del Castillo | UNIVERSIDAD CAMILO JOSÉ CELA | E MADRID33 | Tel: 34(0)918153131 Email: dvalleinclan@ucjc.edu http://www.ucjc.edu/ |
Malaga | UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA | E MALAGA01 | Tel: 34(0)952132972 Email: relint@uma.es http://www.uma.es/ |
Murcia | UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA | E MURCIA01 | Tel: 34(0)968364074 Email: svrelint@um.es http://www.um.es/ |
Cartagena | UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CARTAGENA | E MURCIA04 | Tel: 34(0)968325971 Email: relint@upct.es http://www.upct.es/ |
Oviedo | UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO | E OVIEDO01 | Tel: 34(0)985104020 Email: vicinter@uniovi.es http://www.uniovi.es/ |
Palma de Mallorca | UNIVERSITAT DE LES ILLES BALEARS | E PALMA01 | Tel: 34(0)971173120 Email: sridir@uib.es http://www.uib.es/ |
Pamplona | UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA | E PAMPLON01 | Tel: 34(0)948425600 Email: ooun@unav.es http://www.unav.es/ |
Pamplona | UNIVERSIDAD PUBLICA DE NAVARRA | E PAMPLON02 | Tel: 34(0)948169473 Email: relext@unavarra.es http://www.unavarra.es/ |
Salamanca | UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA | E SALAMAN02 | Tel: 34(0)923294426 Email: rrii@usal.es http://rel-int.usal.es/ |
Santiago de Compostela | UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA | E SANTIAG01 | Tel: 34(0)981563100 Email: ore@usc.es http://www.usc.es/ |
Sevilla | UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA | E SEVILLA01 | Tel: 34(0)954551051 Email: infoerasmus1@us.es http://www.us.es/ |
Sevilla | UNIVERSIDAD PABLO DE OLAVIDE | E SEVILLA03 | Tel: 34(0)954349229 Email: erasmus@upo.es http://www.upo.es/portal/impe/web/portada |
Tarragona | UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI | E TARRAGO01 | Tel: 34(0)977558129 Email: mobility@urv.cat http://www.urv.cat/ |
La Laguna | UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA | E TENERIF01 | Tel: 34(0)922319457 Email: oridirec@ull.es http://www.ull.es/ |
València | UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA | E VALENCI01 | Tel: 34(0)963864731 Email: relaciones.internacionales@uv.es http://www.uv.es/~webuv/ |
Valencia | UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA | E VALENCI02 | Tel: 34(0)963877002 Email: opii@upvnet.upv.es http://www.upv.es/ |
Alfara del Patriarca | UNIVERSIDAD CARDENAL HERRERA-CEU | E VALENCI08 | Tel: 34(0)961369000 Email: incoming@uch.ceu.es http://www.uch.ceu.es/principal/inicio.asp?menusuperior= |
Valladolid | UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID | E VALLADO01 | Tel: 34(0)983423283 Email: relint@uva.es http://www.relint.uva.es/ |
VIGO | UNIVERSIDADE DE VIGO | E VIGO01 | Tel: 34(0)986813954 Email: ori1@uvigo.es http://www.uvigo.es/ |
Zaragoza | UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA | E ZARAGOZ01 | Tel: 34(0)976762052 Email: relint@unizar.es http://www.unizar.es/ |
ESTONIA | ||||
Tallin | TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL | EE TALLINN04 | Tel: 372(0)6203542 Email: kerti.sonmez@ttu.ee http://www.iro.ttu.ee/inglise/Studying/exchange.html |
FRANCE | ||||
Amiens Cedex 1 | UNIVERSITE DE PICARDIE JULES VERNE | F AMIENS01 | Tel: 33(0)322827244 Email: dai@u-picardie.fr http://www.u-picardie.fr/ |
Angers | UNIVERSITE D'ANGERS | F ANGERS01 | Tel: 33(0)241962301 Email: echange.international@listes.univ-angers.fr http://www.univ-angers.fr/ |
Arras Cedex | UNIVERSITE D'ARTOIS | F ARRAS12 | Tel: 33(0)321603868 Email: sri@univ-artois.fr http://www.univ-artois.fr/international |
Sevenans | UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT-MONTBELIARD | F BELFORT06 | Tel: 33(0)384583292 Email: studying@utbm.fr http://www.utbm.fr/ |
Bordeaux Cedex | UNIVERSITE VICTOR SEGALEN BORDEAUX 2 | F BORDEAU02 | Tel: 33(0)557571301 Email: pedro.santiago@u-bordeaux2.fr http://www.u-bordeaux2.fr/ |
Corté | UNIVERSITE DE CORSE PASCAL PAOLI | F CORTE01 | Tel: 33(0)495450223 Email: simon@univ-corse.fr http://www.univ-corse.fr/ |
Grenoble | UNIVERSITE JOSEPH FOURIER GRENOBLE 1 | F GRENOBL01 | Tel: 33(0)476514513 Email: relations.internationales@ujf-grenoble.fr http://www.ujf-grenoble.fr/formation/international/ |
Grenoble | UNIVERSITE JOSEPH FOURIER GRENOBLE 1 | F GRENOBL16 | Tel: 33(0) 4 76 51 45 13 Email: relations.internationales@ujf-grenoble.fr http://www.ujf-grenoble.fr/ |
Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex | UNIVERSITE CHARLES DE GAULLE - LILLE 3 | F LILLE03 | Tel: 33(0)320416308 Email: incoming@univ-lille3.fr http://www.univ-lille3.fr/portail/index.php |
Villeurbanne Cedex | UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD - LYON 1 | F LYON01 | Tel: 33(0)472432994 Email: catherine.guillaumon@univ-lyon1.fr http://www.univ-lyon1.fr/ |
Lyon Cedex 07 | ECOLE NORMALE SUPÉRIEURE LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES | F LYON103 | Tel: 33(0)437376076 Email: international@ens-lyon.fr http://www.ens-lyon.eu/ |
Marseille cedex 9 case 924 | ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE MARSEILLE | F MARSEIL17 | Tel: 33(0)491827127 Email: pascale.brun@marseille.archi.fr http://www.marseille.archi.fr/ |
AIX-EN-PROVENCE Cedex 1 | UNIVERSITE DE PROVENCE - AIX-MARSEILLE I | F MARSEIL84 | Tel: 33(0)442953200 Email: marie-helene.varnier@univ-provence.fr http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/ |
Metz | INSTITUT DE FORMATION EN SOINS INFIRMIERS, CROIX ROUGE FRANCAISE | F METZ26 | Tel: 33(0)3 87 75 60 20 Email: http://irfss-alsace-lorraine.croix-rouge.fr/Institut-Regional/relations-internationales |
Montpellier cedex 05 | UNIVERSITE MONTPELLIER 2 | F MONTPEL02 | Tel: 33(0)467143026 Email: Annick.Martin@univ-montp2.fr http://www.univ-montp2.fr/ |
Montpellier Cedex 5 | UNIVERSITE PAUL VALERY (MONTPELLIER III) | F MONTPEL03 | Tel: 33(0)467142340 Email: burghart.schmidt@univ-montp3.fr http://www.univ-montp3.fr/ |
Metz cedex 1 | UNIVERSITÉ DE LORRAINE | F NANCY 43 | Tel: 33(0)387315674 Email: erasmus@univ-metz.fr http://www.univ-metz.fr/ |
Nantes cedex 1 | UNIVERSITE DE NANTES | F NANTES01 | Tel: 33(0)253462162 Email: international@univ-nantes.fr http://www.univ-nantes.fr/ |
Nice cedex 2 | UNIVERSITE DE NICE - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS | F NICE01 | Tel: 33(0)492076615 Email: relint@unice.fr http://portail.unice.fr/jahia/jsp/index.jsp |
Orleans | UNIVERSITE D'ORLEANS | F ORLEANS01 | Tel: 33(0)238497319 Email: international@univ-orleans.fr http://www.univ-orleans.fr |
Paris | UNIVERSITÉ PANTHÉON-ASSAS PARIS II | F PARIS002 | Tel: 33(0)44415535 Email: georgia.schneider@u-paris2.fr http://www.u-paris2.fr |
Paris | UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE (PARIS IV) | F PARIS004 | Tel: 33(0)0140464779 Email: erasmus-in.ri@paris-sorbonne.fr http://www.paris-sorbonne.fr |
Nanterre cedex | UNIVERSITE DE PARIS X-NANTERRE (PARIS X) | F PARIS010 | Tel: 33(0)140977407 Email: soraya.mohandk@u-paris10.fr http://www.u-paris10.fr/ |
Créteil | UNIVERSITE PARIS 12 - VAL DE MARNE | F PARIS012 | Tel: 33 (0)1 45 17 11 43 Email: delcife@u-pec.fr http://www.u-pec.fr/ |
Paris | ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE PARIS MALAQUAIS | F PARIS319 | Tel: 33(0)155045680 Email: catherine.urbain@paris-malaquais.archi.fr http://www.paris-malaquais.archi.fr/ |
Pau | UNIVERSITE DE PAU ET DES PAYS DE L'ADOUR | F PAU01 | Tel: 33 5 59 40 70 00 Email: relations.internationales@univ-pau.fr http://www.univ-pau.fr |
Perpignan Cédex | UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN VIA DOMITIA | F PERPIGN01 | Tel: 33(0)468662012 Email: bureau.erasmus@univ-perp.fr http://www.univ-perp.fr/ |
Poitiers | UNIVERSITE DE POITIERS | F POITIER01 | Tel: 33(0)549453000 Email: maryvonne.guerin@univ-poitiers.fr http://www.univ-poitiers.fr/ |
Rennes Cedex | UNIVERSITE RENNES II HAUTE-BRETAGNE | F RENNES02 | Tel: 33(0)299141090 Email: international@univ-rennes2.fr http://www.univ-rennes2.fr/ |
Rennes | INSTITUT D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE RENNES | F RENNES28 | Tel: 33(0)299843918 Email: relations.internationales@sciencespo-rennes.fr http://www.rennes.iep.fr/ |
Mont Saint Aignan | UNIVERSITÉ DE ROUEN | F ROUEN01 | Tel: 33 2 35 14 61 47 Email: genevieve.claudel@univ-rouen.fr http://www.univ-rouen.fr/ |
Toulouse | UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSE LE MIRAIL (TOULOUSE II) | F TOULOUS02 | Tel: 33(0)561504590 Email: vmorin@univ-tlse2.fr http://www.univ-tlse2.fr/ |
Toulouse | INSTITUT D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE TOULOUSE | F TOULOUS48 | Tel: 33 (0)5 61 11 02 66 Email: contact@sciencespo-toulouse.fr http://www.sciencespo-toulouse.fr/ |
Tours | UNIVERSITE FRANÇOIS RABELAIS (TOURS) | F TOURS01 | Tel: 33(0)247366703 Email: internat@univ-tours.fr http://www.univ-tours.fr/ |
Valenciennes Cedex 9 | UNIVERSITE DE VALENCIENNES ET DU HAINAUT-CAMBRESIS | F VALENCI01 | Tel: 33(0)327517731 Email: catherine.fortunato@univ-valenciennes.fr http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/ |
Versailles | ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE VERSAILLES | F VERSAIL05 | Tel: 33(0)139074028 Email: international@versailles.archi.fr http://www.versailles.archi.fr/ |
Guyancourt Cedex | UNIVERSITE DE VERSAILLES SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES | F VERSAIL11 | Tel: 33(0)139255821 Email: genevieve.rozier@uvsq.fr http://www.uvsq.fr |
GREECE | ||||
Crete | PANEPISTIMIO KRITIS | G KRITIS01 | Tel: 30(0)2831077724 Email: alefandinou@admin.uoc.gr http://www.uoc.gr/index_gb.html |
Patras | PANEPISTIMIO PATRON | G PATRA01 | Tel: 30 2610 969028, Email: llp.incoming@upatras.gr http://www.upatras.gr/index/index/lang/en |
Thessaloniki | ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS | G THESSAL01 | Tel: 30(0)2310995293 Email: eurep-dept@auth.gr http://www.eurep.auth.gr/index.php?lang=en |
CROATIA | ||||
Zagreb | SVEUCILIŠTE U ZAGREBU | HR ZAGREB01 | Tel: 38(0)514698105 Email: incoming@unizg.hr http://www.unizg.hr/ |
HUNGARY | ||||
Matrai | KÁROLY RÓBERT FOISKOLA | HU GYONGY01 | Tel: 36(0)37518210 Email: zsbusa@karolyrobert.hu http://www.karolyrobert.hu/ |
Kaunas | LIETUVOS ZEMES UKIO UNIVERSITETAS | LT KAUNAS05 | Tel: 37(0)037752398 Email: kontakt@asu.lt http://www.lzuu.lt/intern/socrhome.html |
Vilnius | VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS | LT VILNIUS01 | Tel: 370(0)52687182 Email: raimonda.markeviciene@cr.vu.lt http://www.vu.lt/lt/ |
Vilnius | VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS (VGTU) | LT VILNIUS02 | Tel: 370(0)52744895 Email: urd@vgtu.lt http://www.vgtu.lt/ |
MALTA | ||||
Malta | UNIVERSITA' TA'MALTA | MT MALTA01 | Tel: 35(0)623402804 Email: int-eu@um.edu.mt http://www.um.edu.mt/ |
NORWAY | ||||
Bergen | UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN | N BERGEN01 | Tel: 31(0)4755589241 Email: helge.bjorlo@ua.uib.no http://www.uib.no |
Sogndal | HØGSKULEN I SOGN OG FJORDANE | N SOGNDAL01 | Tel: 31(0) 4757676395 Email: international@hisf.no http://www.hisf.no/ |
Amsterdam | VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM | NL AMSTERD02 | Tel: 31(0)205985035 Email: international@dienst.vu.nl http://www.vu.nl/home/index.cfm |
Delft | TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT | NL DELFT01 | Tel: 31 (0) 15 278 9111 Email: http://www.tudelft.nl |
Nijmegen | RADBOUD UNIVERSITEIT NIJMEGEN | NL NIJMEGE01 | Tel: 31(0)243616055 Email: Erasmus@io.ru.nl http://www.ru.nl/students/exchange_student/ |
Wageningen | WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT | NL WAGENIN01 | Tel: 31(0)317483891 Email: info.wi@wur.nl http://www.wur.nl/uk/about/international/ |
Lisboa | UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA | P LISBOA02 | Tel: 351(0)210113482 Email: sri@reitoria.ul.pt http://www.ul.pt/ |
Lisboa | INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE LISBOA | P LISBOA05 | Tel: 351(0)218980400 Email: rute.borrego@estesl.ipl.pt http://www.estesl.ipl.pt/ |
Caparica | INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE CIENCIAS DA SAUDE EGAS MONIZ | P MONTE-D02 | Tel: 35(0)12129 6744 Email: erasmus.essem@egasmoniz.edu.pt http://www.egasmoniz.com.pt/ |
Porto | UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO | P PORTO02 | Tel: 351(0)220408161 Email: sri@reit.up.pt http://sigarra.up.pt/up/web_page.inicial |
POLAND | ||||
Gdansk | POLITECHNIKA GDANSKA | PL GDANSK02 | Tel: 48(0)583471780 Email: malbogda@pg.gda.pl http://www.pg.gda.pl/en/ |
Gdansk | AKADEMIA MEDYCZNA W GDANSKU | PL GDANSK03 | Tel: 48(0)583491200 Email: d.spychala@gumed.edu.pl http://www.ed.amg.gda.pl/main.html |
Gdansk | AKADEMIA WYCHOWANIA FIZYCZNEGO I SPORTU IM. JEDRZEJA SNIADECKIEGO W GDAÑSKU | PL GDANSK06 | Tel: 48 (0)58 5547 382 Email: bzp@awf.gda.pl http://www.awf.gda.pl/ |
Gdansk | ATENEUM - SZKOLA WYZSZA | PL GDANSK11 | Tel: 48 (0) 58 722 08 28 Email: a.wrotek@ateneum.edu.pl http://www.ateneum.edu.pl/ |
Katowice | UNIWERSYTET SLASKI | PL KATOWIC01 | Tel: 48(0)323592071 Email: erasmus@us.edu.pl http://english.us.edu.pl/international-cooperation |
Lódz | UNIWERSYTET LÓDZKI | PL LODZ01 | Tel: 48(0)635 42 36 Email: lilianalato@uni.lodz.pl http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/ |
Lodz | POLITECHNIKA LODZKA | PL LODZ02 | Tel: 48(0)426312857 Email: foreignstudents@p.lodz.pl http://www.p.lodz.pl/index.htm |
Sucha | WYZSZA SZKOLA TURYSTYKI I EKOLOGII | PL SUCHA-B01 | Tel: 48 (0) 33 874 20 80, Email: szkola@wste.edu.pl http://www.wste.edu.pl/ |
Warsaw | UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI | PL WARSZAW01 | Tel: 48 (0) 22 553 33 00 Email: europauw@uw.edu.pl http://www.uw.edu.pl/en/ |
Warsaw | WYZSZA SZKOLA PRZEDSIEBIORCZOSCI I ZARZADZANIA IM. LEONA KOZMINSKIEGO | PL WARSZAW21 | Tel: 48(0)225192212 Email: katarzynaw@kozminski.edu.pl http://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/ |
ROMANIA | ||||
Bucharest | UNIVERSITATEA DE ARCHITECTURA SI URBANISM "ION MINCU" BUCURESTI | RO BUCURES07 | Tel: 40(0)213155482 Email: alp@iaim.ro http://www.iaim.ro/ |
Cluj Napoca | UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA | RO CLUJNAP05 | Tel: 40(0)264202214 Email: Int.Rel.Office@staff.utcluj.ro http://ori.utcluj.ro/english/ |
Costanta | UNIVERSITATEA "OVIDIUS" CONSTANTA | RO CONSTAN02 | Tel: 40(0)241618372 Email: socrates@univ-ovidius.ro http://www.univ-ovidius.ro/ |
Galati | UNIVERSITATEA "DUNAREA DE JOS" DIN GALATI, ROMANIA | RO GALATI01 | Tel: 40(0)236412100 Email: erasmus@ugal.ro http://www.ugal.ro/ |
Tîrgu Mure? | UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINA SI FARMACIE TARGU MURES | RO TARGU02 | Tel: 40 (0) 265-21 55 51 Email: administrativ@umftgm.ro http://www.umftgm.ro/ |
Timisoara | UNIVERSITATEA "POLITEHNICA" DIN TIMISOARA | RO TIMISOA04 | Tel: 40(0)256403034 Email: lia.dolga@rectorat.upt.ro http://www.upt.ro/ |
SWEDEN | ||||
Göteborg | GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET | S GOTEBOR01 | Tel: 46 (0) 31 786 1086/5337 Email: internationalcentre@gu.se http://www.gu.se/ |
Göteborg | CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA | S GOTEBOR02 | Tel: 46(0)317728642 Email: rigmor.jorgensen@chalmers.se http://www.chalmers.se/en/ |
Huddinge | SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA | S HUDDING01 | Tel: 46 (0) 8 608 4138 Email: exchange-in@sh.se http://www.unican.es |
Lund | LUNDS UNIVERSITET | S LUND01 | Tel: 46(0)222 34 59 Email: Teresia.Rindefjall@er.lu.se http://www.lu.se/lund-university |
Visby | HÖGSKOLAN PÅ GOTLAND | S VISBY01 | Tel: 46(0)498299988 Email: internationaloffice@hgo.se http://www.hgo.se/ |
FINLAND | ||||
Helsinki | HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO | SF HELSINK01 | Tel: 358(0)919129224 Email: erasmus@helsinki.fi http://www.helsinki.fi/university/ |
Ljubljana | UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI | SI LJUBLJA01 | Tel: 386(0)12418590 Email: katja.cerjak@uni-lj.si http://www.uni-lj.si/en/ |
TURKEY | ||||
Ankara | ANKARA UNIVERSITESI | TR ANKARA01 | Tel: 90 (0)312 380 00 26 - 132 / 133 Email: euoffice@ankara.edu.tr http://www.ankara.edu.tr/ |
Gaziantep | GAZIANTEP UNIVERSITESI | TR GAZIANT01 | Tel: 90(0)3423171546 Email: abofisisek@gantep.edu.tr http://www.gantep.edu.tr/ |
Istanbul | MUSTAFA KEMAL UNIVERSITESI | TR HATAY01 | Tel: 90(0)326 221-3317 Email: mkuweb@mku.edu.tr http://www.mku.edu.tr/ |
Instanbul | GALATASARAY UNIVERSITESI | TR ISTANBU02 | Tel: 90(0)2122275149 Email: danadol@gsu.edu.tr http://www.gsu.edu.tr/tr/ |
Kadikoy | MARMARA ÜNIVERSITESI | TR ISTANBU05 | Tel: 90(0)2163452167 Email: erasmus.incoming@marmara.edu.tr http://www.marmara.edu.tr/en |
Istanbul | ISTANBUL SEHIR ÜNVERSITESI | TR ISTANBU33 | Tel: 90 (0) 44 44 0 34 Email: info@sehir.edu.tr http://www.sehir.edu.tr |
Bornova - Izmir | EGE ÜNIVERSITESI | TR IZMIR02 | Tel: 90(0)2323399091 Email: intrec@mail.ege.edu.tr http://ege.edu.tr/ |
Kayseri | ERCIYES ÜNIVERSITESI | TR KAYSERI01 | Tel: 90(0)352 437 5820 Email: intoffice@erciyes.edu.tr http://www.erciyes.edu.tr/en/ |
Sivas | CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITESI | TR SIVAS01 | Tel: 90(0)346 219 12 39 Email: disiliskiler@cumhuriyet.edu.tr http://www.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ |
Aberdeen | THE ROBERT GORDON UNIVERSITY | UK ABERDEE03 | Tel: 44(0)1224 262160 Email: j.kennedy@rgu.ac.uk http://www.rgu.ac.uk/ |
Bradford | UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD (UoB) | UK BRADFOR01 | Tel: 44 (0) 1274 235954 Email: international-office@bradford.ac.uk http://www.bradford.ac.uk |
Bristol | UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL | UK BRISTOL01 | Tel: 44(0)1179545838 Email: swap-in@bristol.ac.uk http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ |
Colchester | UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX | UK COLCHES01 | Tel: 44 (0) 1206 873333 Email: enquiries@essex.ac.uk http://www.essex.ac.uk/ |
Durham | UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM | UK DURHAM01 | Tel: 44 (0)191 334 6328 Email: international.office@durham.ac.uk http://www.dur.ac.uk/ |
Liverpool | UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL | UK LIVERPO01 | Tel: 44 (0)151 794 2000 Email: kate.mizen@liv.ac.uk http://www.liv.ac.uk/ |
Leicestershire | LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY | UK LOUGHBO01 | Tel: 44(0)1509222201 Email: international-office@lboro.ac.uk http://www.lboro.ac.uk/ |
Manchester | THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER | UK MANCHES01 | Tel: 44(0)1612752196 Email: international@manchester.ac.uk http://manchester.ac.uk/ |
Portsmouth | UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH | UK PORTSMO01 | Tel: 44(0)2392843482 Email: eu.students@port.ac.uk http://www.port.ac.uk/ |