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Secondo convegno MeTChE



The Mediterranean Through Chinese Eyes:
Transcultural Encounters and Representations in Chinese Sources

May 16th-17th, 2025

University of Palermo
Botanical Garden, Lanza Meeting Room

We are pleased to announce that the international conference The Mediterranean Through Chinese Eyes: Transcultural Encounters and Representations in Chinese Sources will take place at the University of Palermo on May 16th-17th, 2025.

The event, organized by Prof. Renata Vinci (University of Palermo), will bring together scholars from different disciplines to explore the transcultural dimensions of the Mediterranean as represented in Chinese sources.

The list of speakers, the detailed program, and the book of abstracts will be available soon.

For further inquiries, please contact the organizer at

Scientific Committee

Victoria Almonte (Tuscia University of Viterbo)
Federica Casalin (Sapienza University of Rome)
Miriam Castorina (University of Florence)
Renata Vinci (University of Palermo)