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Progetti di ricerca



Elenco progetti di ricerca finanziati

  • "Human-centered approach and Regulatory Dimension in Developing an Interoperable and Secure Cyberspace -  HARD DISC" (Avviso nr. 341.2022, spoke 1, bandi a cascata PNRR)
  • Private law aspects of open banking: focus on consumer protection, personal data privacy and competition (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • L'amministrazione pubblica per lo sviluppo: poteri sostitutivi, esigenze di garanzia e di efficienza (bando 2022, PRIN
  • AUTOPROWIN - AUTOmation, PROductivity and Wage INequality: Firms and Workers in Times of Economic Turmoil (bando 2022, PRIN
  • GenREm - Gendering international legal response to chronic emergencies (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • The Virtues of the Rule of Law as an Institutional Ethos (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • Criminal proceedings and the protection of third parties: old and new challenges in the digital era (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • Governing by numbers. The impact of indicators on the constitutional system: rules, rights, public policies and judicial review (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • Sustainable Families: impacts of introduction of ecolabels on household preferences and purchasing choices (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • ABIDE-  Rule of Law and the Problem of Responsible Obedience (bando 2022, PRIN PNNR)
  • MITAD MIsallocation and Techniques in Agricultural gap Determinants Analysis  (bando 2022, PRIN PNNR)
  • HYDRA_  HYbrid threats versus Democratic Resilience: An analytical and  practical toolkit (bando 2022, PRIN PNNR)
  • IN-WINE - Innovative solutions in the wine sector (bando 2022, PRIN PNNR)
  • YES - Youth Employment Strategy (bando 2022, PRIN PNNR)
  • One Too Many Monies. Alternative Digital Currencies and the Future of Money (bando 2022, PRIN PNNR)
  • Climate Justice Living Lab , (2023, Erasmus+  KA2           
  • CLEAR - Concept of the Rule of Law: Empirical and Analytical Research (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • Solidarietà intergenerazionale, diritti collettivi e sostenibilità ambientale nel diritto internazionale ed europeo , (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • Artificial Administrative Intelligence for territorial equality (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • Il Giudice nell'età della crisi. Adattamenti dei processi decisionali alle tensioni del sistema (bando 2022, PRIN)
  • “EquAI "Equitable Algorithms, Promoting Fairness and Countering Algorithmic Discrimination Through Norms and Technologies", (bando 2022 PRIN)
  • Old ways and new challenges of illicit trades in the Mediterranean Area (2022 - avviso di finanziamento del MINISTERO GIUSTIZIA)
  • "Dipartimento di Eccellenza 2023- 2027"
  • "Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Sciences” (2020, Erasmus+ KA2)
  • Precetto religioso e norma giuridica: storia e dinamica di una dialettica fondativa della civiltà giuridica occidentale (secoli IV-XVII) (bando 2017, PRIN )
  • "The Dark Side of Law. When discrimination, exclusion and oppression are by law" (bando 2017, PRIN)
  • “La certezza del diritto dal mondo antico alla discussione moderna” (bando 2017, PRIN)
  • "Just Smart" (2021, PON-GOV)
  • "Comparative and European Digital Law" (2021, Jean Monnet Chair);
  • "Europe between mobility and security: the challenge of illicit trades in the Mediterranean sea" (2019, Jean Monnet)
  • "Hideandola" (2021, CERV)
  • SMart Olive OiL traceability – SMOOL
  • Smart Culture in Siciliy – ScuSi (2021, PO FESR 2014/2020 _Azione 1.1.5)
  • "Fontes" (2021, Erasmus+ KA)
  • "Strengthening Approaches For The Prevention Of Youth Radicalisation In Prison And Probation Settings" (2020, Justice)
  • "Sharing economyand inequality in Europe" (2019, Erasmus+ Jeann Monnet)
  • "Key-Co System" (2018 Erasmus+ - KA2 - Strategic Partnership - Adult Education)
  • "Europe between mobility and security : the challenge of illicit trades in the Mediterranean sea -EUMOSIT- (2019Centro di eccellenza Jean Monnet)
  • “Dipartimento di Eccellenza” -2018-2021
  • "Trans MakingArt/culture/ economy to democratize society. Research in placemaking for alternative narratives" (2018, Horizon 2020
  • AIM-PON "Attraction and International Mobility" (2018)
  • "Regulating and Deregulating SharingMobility in Europe”(2018, Jean Monnet)
  • Documenting Multiculturalism: Arabic, Greek and Latin administrative and legal documents and the study of of co-existence, multicultrualism and syncretism in Norman and Hohenstaufen Sicily, c. 1060 - c. 1250_ DOCUMULT”, (2018, ERC Advanced Grant)

Elenco progetti di ricerca presentati

  • JUST_IN -  Fair trial and access to JUSTice IN migration-related legal proceedings, (2023, CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI)
  • TACKLE  (2022,  CERV-2022-EQUAL)
  • Rafforzare L’eguaglianza Di Genere In Ateneo _Regina (2022 - avviso della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, dipartimento per le pari opportunità)
  • VESTA For the prevention of GBV (CERV – DAPHNE 2022)
  • Proposte progettuali presentate per partecipare al bando PRIN 2022 (bando DD n. 104 del 02-02-2022)
  • Imparare Digitando Autonomia E Sicurezza 4.0 (2022 - Avviso di finanziamento della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità. Progetto presentato a marzo 2022)
  • Fostering the Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EuropeanUnion through Legal Clinics Project  _FOCAL (2022 - Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme - CERV)
  • GIDD Comp program for Adolescents (Progetto EUROSTART 2022)
  • Nut byproducts: valorization challenges for functional applications (Progetto EUROSTART 2022)
  • Digital Innovation For A Sustainable Dairy Chain_ DIGI.DA.BLE (Horizon - 2022 - Ria)
  • Italian Strengthening of Esfri RI Resilience - ITSERR (PNRR, Linea di investimento 3.1)