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Prof. Silvana Miceli



Silvana Miceli

I teach courses on Principles and History of Psychology, Personality Psychology, and decision-making at the University of Palermo.


My main research areas are cognitive processes and decision-making, with particular emphasis on personality, cognitive empowerment, cognitive functions, and psychological well-being.

I am the coordinator of the activities foreseen by the Work Package "Developing policy recommendations" in the Horizon project entitled: "Mental Health: a focus on retention of healthcare workers."

I am a member of the research team of the EUROSTART project entitled: Autonomous and proactive assisting system for hearth failure (Aristotle), aimed at developing Intelligent and adaptive support for health professionals. MUR FONDI PNR D.M. 737/2021.

I am part of the research team working on the project: "Multidisciplinary analysis of the biological, immunological and psychosocial determinants of infections by respiratory pathogens: a multicentric study in health workers for risk management, including emergency, and for identification from a gender perspective of WHP and patient safety pathways." Project funded by INAIL.



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