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Posizione di dottorato presso Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences Varsavia



DEADLINE: 15/09/2017

Open position for a Ph. D. student for the interdisciplinary research project carried out at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw:
"Evolution of gene regulation as a stochastic process: Savageau's demand theory, cost of regulation and noise"
(Sonata Bis project no. 2016/22/E/ST2/00558, financed by the National Science Center)

We offer a scholarship of 3000 PLN/month (corresponding to a decent standard of living in Poland ~ average net salary in Poland)
— Research stays are planned at w IST Austria and University of Edinburgh
— Interdisciplinary research at the interface of theoretical physics and biology
— Theoretical modeling of evolution of gene regulation
— analytical and numerical calculations
— simulations
— IPC PAS is a research institute, so no multitasking between teaching and research is needed.

— Depending on the educational background, good knowledge of fundamentals of chemistry or physics, at the academic level
— Good knowledge of programming
— Good knowledge of statistical physics and/or theory of stochastic processes will be an asset.
More information:

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