Ongoing tutoring
The ongoing tutoring activity is carried out by the Course of Studies' faculty tutors and primarily involves mentoring students during their educational journey.
The Coordinator and the Secretary of the degree program serve as points of reference for any clarification needed during the students' studies: from choosing the orientation to decisions regarding elective courses, from recognizing educational credits for professional activities to transferring from other degree programs.
The Coordinator can utilize advanced features of the University portal that provide a detailed overview of students' academic records, including exam pass rates, earned credit units (ECTS), and other progress-related data for each student cohort. This tool allows for targeted mentoring actions if the data indicates a need.
Additionally, faculty tutors are responsible for guiding students on aspects such as customer satisfaction, internships, and periods abroad. Contact information for faculty tutors is available on the course of studies' website.
The academic secretariat for the Study Program has technical-administrative personnel units that support students in activities related to the procedures required during their educational journey.
Manfredi BRUCCOLERI (educational path)
Giuseppe INGARAO (educational path)
Toni LUPO (customer satisfaction)
Giuseppe AIELLO (internships)
Giovanna LO NIGRO (internationalization)