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  1. A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood Design Hydrographs using bivariate analysis (copula) and distributed hydrological modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment. doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-27-2014.
  2. A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani, Receiving water body quality assessment: an Italian case study. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14.1, pp.30-47, 2012, doi: 10.21.66/hydro.2011.099,
  3. G.T. Aronica, A. Candela, P. Fabio, M Santoro, Estimation of flood inundation probabilities using global hazard indexes based on hydrodynamic variables, J. Phys. Chem. Earth, 42-44, 119-129, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2011.04.001,,
  4. A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani, Quantification of diffuse and concentrated pollutant loads at the watershed-scale: an Italian case study, Water Science and Technology, 59.11, 2125-2135, 2009,
  5. A. Candela, G. Mannina, G. Viviani Multiregression analysis of the kinetic constants in ephemeral rivers: the case study of the Oreto river, Proceedings of International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, SIDISA12, Milano, 26-29 giugno 2012.
  6. A. Candela, M. Santoro, G. Viviani A new approach for assessing minimum flow in ephemeral streams, The role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management, Proceedings if the Symposium IHP 2008 during the IAHS Scientific Assembly, IAHS-AISH Publ. 327, pp. 314-323, 2009.