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ING-INF/07 – Electrical and Electronic Measurements




The Electrical and Electronic Measurements Group carries out teaching, research, consultancy and business services activities, in the fields of: metrology, measurement methods and instrumentation, sensors and transducers, measurements for quality and process management, measurements for components and systems characterization, measurements for information society, industry, humans, environment and cultural heritage.

Since 1983, the group has been part of the National Group for Electric and Electronic Measurements (GMEE), now Italian Association GMEE, which promotes and coordinates research activities in the field of electrical and electronic measurements.

Since 2006 the group has been involved, as the Research Unit of Palermo, in the activities of the Interuniversity Research Consortium in Metrics and Measurement Technologies on Electrical Systems (Me.SE), which carries out research and technological transfer activities in the areas of certified and traceable measurements of voltage and electricity characteristics, the related quality indexes and non-quality costs quantification.

Since 2007 the group has been collaborating with the Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation (ISSIA), now Institute of Marine Engineering of the Sea (INM) of National Research Council (CNR), Research Unit of Palermo, in the framework of several conventions and joint research projects. In recent years, the group has also carried out various research activities in collaboration with other universities, research institutes, industries and enterprises (STMicroelectronics Srl, SEA Elettrica di Favignana, Impresa Elettrica D'Anna and Bonaccorsi di Ustica, etc,), in the framework of research projects and contracts.

Main research themes:

The main research areas concern the evolution and integration of modern measurement and communication technologies for smart grids and smart cities, energy efficiency, electric mobility, renewable sources. In more detail, the current research lines can be summarized as follows:

  • measurement methods, communication systems and interface devices for smart grids, distributed generation and storage systems;
  • measurement methods, systems and instrumentation for power, energy and power quality, characterization of transducers in the presence of harmonics, disturbance sources detection in power systems;
  • EMC measurements, metrological characterization of components and systems in the presence of disturbances, measurements of magnetic and electromagnetic fields;
  • data acquisition systems, virtual instrumentation and digital signal processing techniques for measurements on stationary and non-stationary signals;
  • development, simulation and experimental verification of measurement algorithms for applications on electrical machines and drives.

Main research projects/contracts:

  • “REIPERSEI” (Smart grid for renewable energy sources exploitation in small Islands power systems), POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013;
  • “SERPICO” (Development of Innovative inverters prototypes for concentrating photovoltaic systems), POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013;
  • “Smart grid”, research contract with STMicroelectronics, 2017.
  • “SInERT - Solutions innovantes pour l’intégration des énergies renouvelables sur le réseau électrique tunisien.” Italia -Tunisia 2014-2020

Keywords: Smart grids, Measurement and communication systems, Electrical and electronic measurements.