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Giusi Giamporcaro



Ph.D. Student

Giusi Giamporcaro




+39 3272454507




Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4


-          Collaboration in the activities related to the Project "Cooperation for the development in Sicily of the Monococco wheat chain" "Co.S.Mo", PSR SICILIA 2014/2020 - 16.1- July 2022- November 2023.

-          Agro-Economic Operator for the collection and entry of statistical data.

CREA data collection and entry such as a supplier of monitoring and survey services according to the methodology and the IT platform of the European Agricultural Accounting Information Network (RICA) for the Research Center for Policies and Bioeconomy of CREA, an analysis of agricultural policies for the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry; since 2019

-          Master’s Degree in Agricultural Production and Technologiesat University of Palermo, 2016

Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude

Master’s Degree thesis: Economic analysis of the traditional vineyards landscape in Pantelleria: richness and cultural heritage.

-          Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at University of Palermo, 2013

Final Grade: 106/110

Bachelor’s degree thesis: An exploratory analysis of socio- economic aspects of the short supply chain in Sicily


-          Agricultural and Food Economics

-          Analysis of the functioning of the food supply chain

-          Analysis the behavior of final consumers with respect to agricultural and food products

Knowledge of application and software: Office products, Google Workspace.


Prof. Filippo Sgroi



Thesis topics

Resilience and short agri-food supply chains in Sicily: a local response to global dynamics.

Research interests

-          Agricultural economics and policy

-          Analysis of the functioning of the food supply chain

-          Implications of agri-food and commercial policies

-          Price analysis and competitiveness

-          Valorization of product and process attributes

Link to publications

Tudisca, S., Di Trapani, A. M., Sgroi, F., Testa, R., & Giamporcaro, G. (2014). Role of alternative food networks in Sicilian farms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business22(1), 50-63.


Sgroi, F., Sciortino, C., Giamporcaro, G., & Modica, F. (2024). Exploring the impact of beliefs and experiential factors on extra virgin olive oil consumption. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research15, 101056.