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Faculty of Science







Educational Objectives – Professional Opportunities for Graduates

This 2nd cycle degree course aims at training professionals with a thorough grounding in Plant Biology. Students will be introduced to the broad issues of cryptogams, taxonomy, biocoenosis and phytochemistry. They will learn how to apply this knowledge to the environmental management analysis, and to evaluate the impact of vegetal organisms on the environment, as well as the effects of biotic and abiotic parameters on vegetables themselves. The course also aims at providing deep biological, histological, taxonomic, molecular and chemical knowledge of Vegetal Biology.

The coursework is structured to achieve the following learning goals:

 - an overall view of reciprocal interactions among various vegetal organisms and individuals, both under normal and altered conditions;

 - a focus on environmental and biotic effects, with regard to the Plant Kingdom;

 - a deep understanding of chemical, molecular and cytological branches, as well as of differentiation and control mechanisms, functioning and responding to environmental changes;

 - competences in the field of Applied Plant Biology, as well as in the phyto-ecological, phyto-diagnostic and phyto-managerial areas;

 - independent research methods: at the end of the course students will write an experimental dissertation on a Vegetal Biology- or Vegetal Bio-Ecology-related topic, or to topics related to the management and preservation of biodiversity and vegetal resources.

The course provides for advanced study of both the vegetables which agro-food, industrial and commercial fields show a great interest in, and of the ecosystems and factors which might interfere in the preservation of biological integrity.

Graduates might become managers of vegetal productions, they may work within public and private research facilities (Universities, National Research Board, Regional agencies for environment protection), parks, nature reserves and historical gardens, as well as in Nature-based tourism and high schools.




Educational Programme

1st Year Credits
Phytogeography and Vegetal Ecology with Practice 6
Vegetal Biodiversity – Integrated Course:
 - Phanerogams Biology and Systematics with Practice
 - Cryptogam Biology and Systematics with Practice
Plant-Animal Interaction – Integrated Course:
 - Plant Pathology
 - Applied Entomology
Biodiversity Management with Practice 6
Applied Organic Chemistry with Practice 6
Food Science and Technologies with Practice 6
Phytopharmacology and Toxicology 6
Environmental Chemistry with Practice 6
2nd Year Credits
Plant Genetics 6
Stage 4
Plant Reproduction and Biotechnological Applications with Practice 6
Genome Analysis and GMOs 6
Elective Courses 12
Final Examination 32