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Faculty of Educational Science





LM-81 Cooperation And Development
LM-81 Cooperazione e Sviluppo

Educational objectives - professional opportunities for graduates

The educational programme of this 2nd cycle degree course aims at refining, under an operational point of view, the multidisciplinary knowledge and competences in the field of social, economic and demo-anthropological sciences acquired during the first cycle; graduates should therefore be able to understand all issues related to the formulation, planning and execution of cooperation and economic development interventions in the areas which, for various reasons, are described as depressed or with retarded development.

In particular, students will face issues related to development economics, advanced quantitative analysis for developing economies, as well as issues related to the history of some areas, and legal aspects related to international law and policies. The course also provides for advanced seminars in cooperation with researchers of other Universities and other experts.

The educational programme aims at the transmission of the needed aptitude to operate within organised contexts, such as public administrations, both at local and national level, as well as within international governmental and non-governmental organisations, third sector organisations and all those national and international companies which have a specific interest in investing in less developed economic areas.

The course will educate professionals in the field of cooperation and development, providing them with tools for understanding under-development issues, problems related to economic growth and sustainable development, policies for contrasting poverty and to the processes of modelling, democratisation, globalisation and international regulation. The course also aims at preparing students for public and private research activities capable of providing indications and scientific interpretations of the effectiveness of interventions and of the relevant economic value, both at academic and extra-academic level.

The course aims at educating cooperation analysts capable of fitting in a wide range of professional positions, and of ideating, designing, coordinating and managing development programs and projects.

Graduates of this course might find professional opportunities in: international bodies and agencies; EU offices; bilateral and multilateral bodies for the cooperation to development; local agencies operating in the field of decentralised cooperation; nongovernmental institutions, associations and third sector; national and international research centres; consulting, communication and information companies .

1st Year
 Theory and policy of human rights

 Statistic indicators for development and demography of development

  • Statistic indicators for development
  • Demography of development
Sociology of development  9
Anthropology of development 6
Elective activities 9
Group of optional educational activities (see table below) 6
Group of optional educational activities II (see table below) 6
Group of optional educational activities III (see table below)  6
2nd Year

Economic policy of development and international economics

  • International economics
  • Economic and development policy

Statistical analysis of public policies and statistical methods for evaluating development policies

  • Statistical methods for evaluating development policies
  • Statistical analysis of public policies
Stage 6

Sociology of migrations and sociology of international relations

  • Sociology of migrations
  • Sociology of international relations
Group of optional educational activities IV (see table below)
Final examination 18



Group of optional educational activities
Comparative public law
 International man's rights defence
 Group of optional educational activities II

Economic political geography

History and institutions of Africa 6
History and institutions of Americas 6
History and institutions of Asia 6
 Group of optional educational activities III

Albanian language

Arab language 6
French language 6
Spanish language 6
German language 6
 Group of optional educational activities IV

Social psychology

Political science 6
History of international relations 6
Physical geography and environmental geology 6
Business economics and administration 6