Faculty of Architecture
LM-48 Urban, Regional And Environmental Planning
LM-48 Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica ed Ambientale
Educational objectives - professional opportunities for graduates
The 2nd cycle degree course in “Urban, regional and environmental planning” aims at educating professionals with competences for planning, designing and managing processes of physical and socio-economical transformation of the territory. Professional planners should be able:
- To build methods and techniques for the knowledge and interpretation of phenomena which are typical of human settlement;
- To develop methods and techniques for the construction of large scale urban plans;
- To produce and direct a TIS (Territorial Information System);
- To define territorial policies and strategies for the administrations, institutions and companies;
- To produce general and executive plans at urban, territorial scale, sectoral plans, regulations and norms;
- To produce town and regional plans with environmental and landscape value;
- To evaluate and manage planning processes and acts in view of their execution;
- To design and coordinate concerted actions;
- To define mode and techniques for communicating plans.
The degree course provides for advanced knowledge in the field of urban and regional planning, through an educational programme related to the town and regional ambits, entailing frontal teaching, experimental studios, interviews with public administrators and stages within public and private institution.
Graduates might fInd professional opportunities in all the activities in which they are able to build and manage tools for territorial governance, with respect, in particular, to:
- Design, planning and policies related to the transformation an requalification of the town, territory and environment (projects, programs, plans and policies at various territorial scales, sector planning and policies, regulations and norms);
- Coordination and management of evaluation activities of town, territory and environment projects, programs, plans and policies;
- Management of the construction processes of territorial governance actions and the relevant communication.
Te typical activity ambits for graduates of this course are the private practice and high responsibility roles in the institutions, public private and third sector bodies which operate for the transformation and governance of the town, territory and environment.
1st Year |
credits |
Town planning and town and regional policies | 8 |
History of contemporary town planning | 8 |
Social geography | 8 |
Territorial information systems | 6 |
Urban and territorial planning – studio + geotechnical engineering module |
8 3 |
Landscape ecology | 6 |
Urban and metropolitan road infrastructures | 8 |
2nd Year |
credits |
Urban planning + art for the town – integrated course | 11 |
Recuperation and requalification | 6 |
Urban and territorial planning studio + agricultural systems and landscapes (module) (integrated course) |
8 3 |
Plans and projects evaluation + social statistics (integrated course) |
8 3 |
Elective course | 8 |
Stage | 7 |
Final examination | 9 |