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Elif Kocabiyik, ricercatrice al IUE, Izmir University of Economics, sarà a Palermo con il progetto Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching e terrà al Dipartimento di Architettura il 29 gennaio un seminario con docenti e personale amministrativo, Introducing the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design and the Design Studies Graduate Program, il 30 gennaio un workshop per gli studenti del Dottorato di ricerca AAP/ PSAD, Defining the Design Research Problem and its Methods e il 28 gennaio una lezione per gli studenti del Corso di laurea magistrale DECT, An Overview of Design Research Methodology.

Elif Kocabıyık Savasta is assistant professor in Industrial Design at Izmir University of Economics. She received her PhD in Industrial Product Design from Istanbul Technical University. Her research interests include design history, archival studies, design research methodology, design policy, and social design. She organized events to increase the design capacity of Izmir on an international scale. She served as the chairperson of Industrial Designers’ Society of Turkey Izmir Branch, the Design Coordinator and Academy Board Member of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mediterranean Academy, and the Community Liaison of the World Design Organization (WDO).
