Dr. Sofia Burgio
Ph.D. student in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences
Expert in Pediatric psychology, Prenatal and Perinatal Development
My research project intends to verify one specific supportive care treatment for parental competence in pregnancy at risk.
These are conditions once considered atypical, but they are increasingly growing today, in which the construction of parental competence can be compromised by stress conditions, hyper-arousal and the alteration of self-concept, experienced by mothers and fathers who live this risk condition. This longitudinal study, through some narrative interviews and counseling meetings, aims to support the couples from prenatal to postnatal.
My scientific interests are:
- Psycho-evolutionary outcomes in Medically Assisted Reproduction
- Parental competence in pregnancy at risk.
- Tipical and Atypical Development
List of publications
D’Alcamo, E., Gullo, G., Cucinella, G., Perino, A., Burgio, S., Etrusco, A., Agrigento, V., Sclafani, S., Listi, F., Maggio, A., Vega, I., Laganà, A.S., Vitagliano, A., Noventa, M., Buzzaccarini, G. (2022). Cystic Fibrosis assessment in infertile couples: genetic trough the Next Generation Sequencing technique. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology. (in press)
Burgio, S., Polizzi, C., Buzzaccarini, G., Laganà, A.S., Gullo, G., Perricone, G., Perino, A., Cucinella, G., Alesi, M. (2022). Psychological variables in Medical Assisted Reproduction: a Systematic Review. Menopause review. (in press)
Polizzi, C., Burgio, S., Lavanco, G., & Alesi, M. (2021). Parental Distress and Perception of Children's Executive Functioning after the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(18), 4170. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10184170
Perricone, G., Polizzi, C., Burgio, S., Carollo, A., Fontana, V., Morales, M.R., Rotolo, I., (2021). Diventare insegnante di sostegno. “Leggere”, osservare e promuovere Sviluppo. Mcgraw Hill Education.
Perricone, G., Polizzi, C., Burgio, S., Rotolo, I. (2021). Il metodo dell’osservazione nel ciclo di vita. McGraw Hill Education. ISBN: 9788838655593
Perricone, G., Polizzi, C., Burgio, S., Carollo, A., Fontana, V., Morales, M.R., Rotolo, I., (2021). Corso di psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'educazione con elementi di psicologia pediatrica. Mcgraw Hill Education. EAN: 9781307749786
Marchese, F., Bonanno, B., Borinato, D., Burgio, S., Mangiapane, D., Matranga, M., Saputo, E., & La Barbera, D. (2021). Psychosis, symbol, affectivity 2: another perspective on the treatment of psychotic disorder. The Journal of analytical psychology, 66(2), 200–220. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5922.12665
Polizzi, C., Perricone, G., Morales, M. R., & Burgio, S. (2021). A Study of Maternal Competence in Preterm Birth Condition, during the Transition from Hospital to Home: An Early Intervention Program's Proposal. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(16), 8670. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18168670
Polizzi, C., Perricone, G., Fontana, V., D'Angelo, P., Jankovic, M., Nichelli, F., Taormina, C., & Burgio, S. (2020). The relation between maternal locus of control and coping styles of pediatric leukemia patients during treatment. Pediatric reports, 12(1), 7998. https://doi.org/10.4081/pr.2020.7998
Polizzi, C., Fontana, V., Carollo, A., Bono, A., Burgio, S., & Perricone, G. (2016). Sibship and Self-esteem in Children with Asthma. Pediatric reports, 8(2), 6370. https://doi.org/10.4081/pr.2016.6370
Polizzi, C., Fontana, V., Perricone, G., D'Angelo, P., Jankovic, M., Taormina, C., Nichelli, F., & Burgio, S. (2015). Coping Strategies and Locus of Control in Childhood Leukemia: A Multi-Center Research. Pediatric reports, 7(2), 5703. https://doi.org/10.4081/pr.2015.5703
Perricone, G., Fontana, V., Burgio, S., & Polizzi, C. (2014). Sibling relationships as a resource for coping with traumatic events. SpringerPlus, 3, 525. https://doi.org/10.1186/2193-1801-3-525
Perricone, G., Polizzi, C., Burgio, S., & Fontana, V. (2013). Coping strategies and locus of control in children suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/97379
Perricone, G., Polizzi, C., Burgio, S., & Fontana, V. (2013). Coping strategies of Italian and Portuguese mothers in response to a child’s chronic or oncological disease: a cross-cultural study. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/97256
Burgio, S., Fontana, V. (2012). Le patologie oncoematologiche pediatriche in Perricone Briulotta, G. Psicologia pediatrica. Dalla teoria alla pratica evolutivo-clinica. Milano: McGraw-Hill, 97-110. ISBN: 978-88-386-7357-3.