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Davide Farruggia




 Davide Farruggia




+39 3319010334


Orcid ID


Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze 13, Building 4, Entry L, second floor, 90128, Palermo, Italy


- Bachelor Degree in Agro-Engineering (Class L-25) at Università degli Studi di Palermo (A.Y. 2018);

- Master Degree in Firm and Quality for the Agricultural and Food System (Class LM- 69) at Università degli Studi di Palermo (A.Y. 2021);

- Qualification to practice as Agronomist and Forestry Doctor at Università degli Studi di Palermo (2021);

- Postgraduate scholarship at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest, Università degli Studi di Palermo, concerning “Development of integrated technological platforms for the enhancement of residual biomass - Project Biofeedstok” (from July to November 2021).



- Research activities in Agronomy and Crop science;

- Analysis of growth and production of herbaceous and horticultural crops;

- Analysis and extraction of the essential oils from medicinal and aromatic plants;

- Assessment of the residual plant biomass to use as substrates in agriculture;

- Wastewater reuse in agriculture for irrigation purpose.


Prof. Mario Licata



Thesis topics

Innovative agricultural practices for growing organic medicinal and aromatic plants through the application of biostimulants


Research interests

Field and horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, essential oils, industrial crops, constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation.


Link to publications

- Farruggia, D., Di Miceli, G., Licata, M., Leto, C., Salamone, F., & Novak, J. Foliar application of various biostimulants produces contrasting response on yield, essential oil and chemical properties of organically grown sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1397489.


- Licata, M., Farruggia, D., Di Miceli, G., Salamone, F., Iacuzzi, N., Tuttolomondo, T. Productivity of two Brassica oilseed crops in a Mediterranean environment and assessment of the qualitative characteristics of raw materials for bioenergy purposes. Heliyon 2024.



- Farruggia, D., Tortorici, N., Iacuzzi, N., Alaimo, F., Leto, C., Tuttolomondo, T. Biostimulants Improve Plant Performance of Rosemary Growth in Agricultural Organic System. Agronomy 2024, 14, 158.


- Iacuzzi, N., Salamone, F., Farruggia, D., Tortorici, N., Vultaggio, L., Tuttolomondo, T. Development of a New Micropropagation Protocol and Transfer of In Vitro Plants to In Vivo Conditions for Cascade Hop. Plants 2023, 12, 2877.


- Licata, M., Farruggia, D., Iacuzzi, N., Matteo, R., Tuttolomondo, T., Di Miceli, G. Effects of Genotype and Climate on Productive Performance of High Oleic Carthamus tinctorius L. under Rainfed Conditions in a Semi-Arid Environment of Sicily (Italy). Plants 2023, 12(9), 1733.


- Farruggia, D., Iacuzzi, N., La Bella, S., Sabatino, L., Consentino, B. B., Tuttolomondo, T. Effect of Foliar Treatments with Calcium and Nitrogen on Oregano Yield. Agronomy 2023, 13(3), 719.


- Iacuzzi, N., Farruggia, D., Licata, M., Bellone, Y., Tuttolomondo, T., Virga, G. Spontaneous Urban Weeds: A Reseource Against Environmental Pollution. Acta Horticulturae 2022. ISSN 05677572. In VIII International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture 1345 (pp. 291-298).


- Farruggia, D., Iacuzzi, N., Licata, M., La Bella, S., Tuttolomondo, T., Virga, G. Wildflowers: opportunities for urban landscapes. Acta Horticulturae 2022 ISSN 05677572. In VIII International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture 1345 (pp. 251-258).


- Licata, M., Virga, G., Leto, C., Farruggia, D., Bellone, Y., Iacuzzi, N. Constructed wetlands as nature-based solution for sustainable wastewater management in urban areas: a critical assessment by experimental studies and literature. Acta Horticulturae, 2022. ISSN 05677572. In VIII International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture 1345 (pp. 173-180).


- Licata, M., Farruggia, D., Tuttolomondo, T., Iacuzzi, N., Leto, C., Di Miceli, G. Seasonal response of vegetation on pollutants removal in constructed wetland system treating dairy wastewater. Ecological Engineering 2022, 182. ISSN 09258574.


- Licata, M., Farruggia, D., Iacuzzi, N., Leto, C., Tuttolomondo, T., Di Miceli, G. Effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) production and soil characteristics and estimation of plant nutritional input. PLoS ONE 2022, 17(7): e0271481. ISSN 19326203.


- Di Miceli, G., Farruggia, D., Iacuzzi, N., Bacarella, S., La Bella, S., Consentino, B.B. Planting Date and Different N-Fertilization Rates Differently Modulate Agronomic and Economic Traits of a Sicilian Onion Landrace and of a Commercial Variety. Horticulturae 2022, 8, 454. ISSN 23117524.


- Tuttolomondo, T., Virga, G., Licata, M., Iacuzzi, N., Farruggia, D., La Bella, S. Assessment of Production and Qualitative Characteristics of Different Populations of Salvia sclarea L. Found in Sicily (Italy). Agronomy 2021, 11, 1508. ISSN 20734395.


- Licata, M., Rossini, F., Virga, G., Ruggeri, R., Farruggia, D., Iacuzzi, N. Performance of a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland and Medium-Term Effects of Treated Wastewater Irrigation of Arundo donax L. on Soil and Plant Parameters. Water 2021, 13, 1994. ISSN 20734441


- Licata, M., Ruggeri, R., Iacuzzi, N., Virga, G., Farruggia, D., Rossini, F., Tuttolomondo, T. Treatment of dairy wastewater with constructed wetland system in Sicily (Italy). Pollutant removal efficiency and effect of vegetation. Water 2021, 13, 1086. ISSN 20734441.