Ciclo di Seminari - Statistics and Demography for Migration Studies - 2ª edizione
Ciclo di Seminari in lingua inglese
A.A.2020/2021 - 2ª edizione
► Global research on Trafficking in Persons: data, methodologies and results - 2 seminars, 4 hours
Fabrizio Sarrica (Ph.D, Lead economist, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Wien, Austria)
- 22/10/2020, 17:00-19:00
- 29/10/2020, 17:00-19:00
► Registration of Palestine refugees under the mandate of UNRWA: A 70-year history - 2 seminars, 4 hours
Valeria Cetorelli (Ph.D., Head of Refugee Registration and Eligibility Services, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, Amman, Jordan)
- 26/11/2020, 17:00-19:00
- 27/11/2020, 12:00-14:00
► Exploitation of migrant workers in the agricultural sector in Europe: Concepts, issues and challenges
Letizia Palumbo (Ph.D., European University Institute e Università degli studi Palermo)
- 04/12/2020, 12:00-14:00
► Mixed migration flows and trafficking in human beings: routes across the Mediterranean
Carlotta Santarossa (Project Coordinator at IOM - UN International Organization for Migration, Rome, Italy)
- 11/12/2020, 12:00-14:00
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Per gli studenti dei corsi L-37 e LM-56 la frequenza dell’intero ciclo di seminari dà diritto - previo superamento di una prova di verifica - al riconoscimento di 2 CFP. Gli studenti degli altri corsi di studio possono presentare istanza di riconoscimento CFU ai propri Coordinatori di CdS.