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Application deadline: 30th November 2017


Selected participants will be notified by 1st January 2018 


Registration fee: 340.00€

Registration fee includes: accomodation and lunches

Payment details will be sent to selected applicants via email.


With the support from ARBRE-MOBIEU there will be 8 grants covering registration fee (340 €) and 4 grants of covering registration fee (340 € ) and travel expenses (250€).

These grants are provided under the COST Vademecum rules in what concerns the support of training schools.

Form for grant application can be downloaded here (.doc or .pdf) and should be submitted toghether with the application form.

Recipients of an ARBRE-MOBIEU Grant are required to submit a brief report (1 page maximum) describing the achievements during the training school. The report must be received by the ARBRE-MOBIEU Training WG leader (Frederico Silva: ) within 1 month of the end of the event to enable payment of the Grant.


Selection Criteria:

The school will be addressed to PhD students and young researchers (8 years after PhD) in the fields of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, who are fascinated by interdisciplinary research and have an interest to apply the techniques they will learn to solve biological problems at cellular and molecular level. We will select 12 well-focused trainees who are interested in these topics. The evaluation of the applications will be based mainly on the scientific profile of the candidates, using a gender equality criterion whenever possible. At least half of the participants will be from European countries. A wide geographical spread, gender balance and the involving early career investigators will be valued.

The official language will be English.

Application process:

Send an email to the Scientific Committee at:

In the subject field, write your full name and “ARBRE-school”
In the email, please provide:
- Contact information (name, affiliation, address, email, and phone number)
- Current position
- Short CV (maximum one A4 page; text and pdf files are admitted). 
- Recommendation Letter from an academic referee, preferably the Head of Laboratory


For further information please contact the scientific coordinators:

Vincenzo Cavalieri:

Valeria Vetri: