Abstract submission form
Title (14 pt with initial caps, left, bold)
(one line blank)
Presenting author's Name, Author(s)' Name(s), Corresponding Author,* (11pt, left, normal text)
(one line blank)
Affiliation(s) (italic, 10 pt, left)
e-mail address of the presenting author; *e-mail address of the corresponding author (10pt, left, normal text)
(two lines blank)
Keywords: up to 3 keywords (10pt, left, normal text)
- The abstract1 should be written in English using 11 pt Calibri font or equivalent, right-left justified, normal text, with single line spacing. Maximum length 2000 characters including spaces and references.
- References in the text of the abstract can be cited by number (n).
Citation format: Author, A et al. (Year) Journal Abbreviation (italics), Volume (bold), Pagination.
- The deadline for submission of the abstract is June 05th, 2014.
- The abstract should be sent as WORD file to Secretariat of the meeting at: giovanni.morici@unipa.it
Poster2 presentation â–¡ or Oral presentation3 â–¡
1 Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
2 The maximum size for posters is 100 cm high and 70 cm wide. Please do not exceed this size.
3 Oral presentations are limited to 15 min.