ciclo di seminari
08.02. 2018 - Avviso di Seminario (scarica pdf)
Preferential flow in the vadose zone: Assessment and modelling of the effects on soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and the nutrient and contaminant transport
Prof. Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo
CNRS, Ecology of Natural and Man Impacted Hydrosystems laboratory LEHNA, ENTPE – France
Prof. Laurent Lassabatere
Ecology of Natural and Man Impacted Hydrosystems laboratory LEHNA-IPE, ENTPE - France
Lunedì 23 ottobre 2017 ore 15 – Aula D Dipartimento SAAF
Session 1 -General presentation - How infiltration tests help in the modeling of water and solute balance in cultivated soils.
Session 2 - Classroom work: Water balance modeling with HYDRUS-1D.
Martedì 24 ottobre 2017 ore 15 – Aula F Dipartimento SAAF
Session 3 - BEST method with the new GUI. Classroom work: example of data analysis using BEST and the GUI in Scilab.
Session 4 - Infiltration process into macroporous soils and BEST-2K. Classroom work: Beerkan and tension disc infiltrometer example.
Giovedì 26 ottobre 2017 ore 15 – Aula F Dipartimento SAAF
Session 5 - General presentation - Solute transport in unsaturated soils.
Session 6 - Classroom work: Modeling water flow and solute transport in soil columns using HYDRUS-1D to model solute transfer in soil profile.