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A Service Center where to project and to develop Advanced Technologies



valenzaATeN Center – Advanced Technologies Network Center – is one of the few R&D centers in Europe in the field of Biotechnology applied to human health to offer laboratories that range from the synthesis of materials to in vivo tests.

The Center is equipped with over one hundred items of scientific equipment spread over 3,000 square meters, and it is a reference for new project ideas and technology transfer activities for Researchers and Companies in the Mediterranean Area.
The Center was opened in 2016 by the University of Palermo, thanks to PON R&C, Infrastrutture (Project PONa3_00273) and PO FESR, Regione Sicilia-Misura 4.1.2.A.
The Director of ATeN Center is Prof. Antonino Valenza.
In its laboratories, biologists, biotechnologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, doctors and informaticians work in synergy to generate and transfer high application value knowledge to competitive products for the national and international market. ATeN Center provides support for research, innovation and technological development activities in both the public and private sectors.
In particular, ATeN Center aims to attract companies specialized in the development and characterization of materials, prostheses and biomedical supports; research and innovation centers on human health; centers that perform biosensoristic activities and production and characterization of biomaterials; bio-tech centers; hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories, centers of analysis and the academia.
The activity of advanced characterization of materials includes quality controls in the agri-food sector and the applications for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. In addition, AteN provides tools applicable to the field of environmental controls and to forensic analysis.